Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A day without much motivation

Well friends, though I promised you some decorating pics to look over, I didn't manage to get to it today.    We did have our 3rd OB appointment today and little Rasmussen #2 is doing well!  Doesn't it just burn you to make an appointment for a specific time and wait ONE hour after that in the waiting room before you are even taken back to see the doc (or midwife in this case).  Not to mention I had my precious toddler in tow who probably unraveled the entire roll of paper meant to cover the patient bench in our room!  Yikes!  But glad to say that everything is going well.  Within the next 5 weeks we have to decide if we are going to wait and be surprised as to whether it is a boy or a girl.  It sounds like a lot of fun and good motivation during labor, but I'm not really sure if I can wait that long!  I know my grandma and my mom will be subtly pressuring me to find out...haha!  Though I would be thrilled for a boy or a girl, I do have two friends who are having girls in the next few months and that's making me a little antsy!!  Imagine the clothing, headbands, shoes, ribbons, bows, etc.  OH MY!  Anyways, hope you all had a blessed day!  Tomorrow my creative wheels should be turning and I'll get some pics posted!

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